Save your capital –
invest in passion
The future is in your hands
Material assets protect your capital against inflation in the long term and enable higher returns than monetary investments in times of ever decreasing interest rates.
Unfortunately, capital is exposed to a continuous loss of purchasing power. Therefore, it is advisable to restructure your assets and invest in physical assets, which are only available to a limited extent.
Material assets, which are rare, offer significantly more security and show a better performance over a longer period of time, as the past has shown.
Lovers' pieces, of the brand - Ferrari, Porsche, Lamborghini, Mercedes or other rarities remain even in hard times of an economic crisis and keep their value stable.
Make the right decision.
The demand for value-stable automobiles has again increased significantly in recent years. The international market shows that the price development of rare cars, as well as that of classic cars / youngtimers or even models from the modern car segment is always stable or even rising.
The special side effect to a fixed investment or security is the emotional possession, which can be moved at any time.
Collector's cars are rarely offered on an Internet platform, but are usually passed on "off market" through private contacts.
Due to our many years of experience in this branch, we can of course enable you to find the collector's items you are looking for or want through our worldwide contacts.
We help you to fulfill your dream.
For sure, collector's items are also subject to market fluctuations. However, a limited offer is usually associated with a price increase. All luxury cars, of which only a few unique pieces are available on the market, fulfill this requirement. After years of less attention, the passion for automobile collectibles is back.
For information on the subject of automobile material assets or individual advice, please contact MAXIMUM PERFORMANCE. We are happy to advise and support you.